My photo
I keep and breed a small number of Australian grass parakeets. This blog provides information and pictures of my birds and a log of their breeding activities. It is also a photo blog of landscapes and wildlife. My dog Buster may also make an appearance. For Nest Box Live - click the link above or visit my website!

Friday 4 June 2010

Another loss

You will have noticed that the nest box cam has been down for the past few days, that's because Marge's chick has died. I'm partly to blame, as I wrongly assumed Marge was feeding the chick properly, it looked like she was on camera. However, I found the chick in a desperately bad way and in the end it was to weak to be hand fed. The chick died in my hand.
I should have removed this chick as soon as I realised that Barney was not helping with the feeding. It's normally for the male to do the majority of the feeding when the chick is a couple of weeks old. Barney's foot problem is getting worse and has obviously been a big factor in his lack of interest. Up till this year he has always been very diligent parent. It's typical of my luck with splendids, that the year I get him (a split lutino) to breed with a lutino hen, this happens.
This year was going to be decision time for the splendids; as to whether I was going to continue keeping them. The fact is, my breeding success with splendids has varied from average to disastrous, particularly after I got obsessed with trying to breed lutinos. That's why I got the bourkes and turquoisines to see if I would have better luck with them.....
The turqs have two chicks....the other four eggs were all infertile.
Both pairs of bourkes are now on eggs.


  1. Sorry for all your bad luck with the splendids. Hope you don't give up on them all together and at least keep some normals.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear the chick died. I was greatly enjoying the nest cam. (This is why I could never breed birds... I'd get too emotionally attached to the chicks.)
