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I keep and breed a small number of Australian grass parakeets. This blog provides information and pictures of my birds and a log of their breeding activities. It is also a photo blog of landscapes and wildlife. My dog Buster may also make an appearance. For Nest Box Live - click the link above or visit my website!

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Bourkes have eggs

The pair of rosa Bourkes I have in the shed cage have two eggs.  That's Rocky and one of the new bourkes, which is now a proven hen (Rosie).

I hate to admit it but parakeets are more ready to breed when put in cages rather than in the aviary, perhaps they feel more secure. I still prefer them in the aviary.

The other Bourkes are doing nothing after their initial mating activity.  The Rubino cock (that was Rosey) is renamed Pinky.  As for the 'hen', I'll wait until I'm sure of the sex before I give her a name!

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